The Brave Face

I'm not even British.

I’m not even British.

I always put on a Brave Face or Keep a Stiff Upper Lip when faced with a less than desirable situation.  This stops now.  It’s time to call it as I see it and stop lying to myself.

For example, I put on a Brave Face the entire time I worked at the Outlaw even though it was the second most rotten job I’ve ever had.  The kitchen floor had holes in it, and it was filthy.  I was expected to be a cook, waitress, handyman and scullery maid all for barely more than minimum wage.  Oh, but I made tips…nowhere enough to make up for all the bullshit I put up with.

I rationalized that I was saving so much money by not driving to Cody, work was less than 5 minutes away so I was saving time, I was cooking, which is a true passion, so I was living the dream.  Yeah, imagine my surprise when I did my taxes and realized I took a $10,000 hit by wearing my Brave Face instead of admitting that the job and all the people involved sucked.  Gas isn’t that expensive.

Not this ass.

Not this ass.

The Brave Face resulted in me being out on my ass, out of a job, broke, a burden on my friends and family, and quite possibly dumber than when I took the job.  They sucked my IQ and filled me with animosity.  Trust me, no one likes it when I’m filled with animosity.  I don’t think about what I did, but rather what I’m going to do.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to exact revenge on these people, they screwed themselves, which is really the case with most people.

crowleyNow I find myself at a crossroad looking for a demon.  I need a job.  I make the most money waiting tables, but damn I’m sick of people.  Winter is not the time to take a server job in Cody, the job market is in the toilet, and I have no idea what type of job to take that won’t make me stark raving mad.  Then again, that’s why it’s called a JOB and not FUN & GAMES.  Maybe I should be a housekeeper…I like being domestic with all the cooking and cleaning (as long as it isn’t my house I’m cleaning).

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