Tag Archives: laughter

Let’s Try This Again


After a lengthy hiatus I realized one of the major things missing from my life is blogging.  I get a better perspective when I air my dirty laundry in public.  Yes, I’m something of an exhibitionist.

Since I left I’ve:  been fired (go me!), started a food truck (failed), baked for local farmer’s markets (succeeded), took a seasonal job for a major outdoor clothing retailer (succeeded), got laid off (go me!), and spent a lot of time soul searching.  I made a New Year’s resolution to be kinder to myself and broke it an hour before the jukebox started playing Auld Lang Syne.  Then I shredded, stapled, and mutilated it;  set it on fire and warmed myself in its ashes.

I should have just resolved to lose some weight.

Since I’m jobless at the moment the blog will focus on life, love, laughter, and the wild, wacky and just plain weird things that happen to me.  In other words, it will be like everyone else’s blog.  HA! I am keeping the title the same because most days my life is a Blizzard of Shame…questionable decisions, goofy antics, bizarre situations, and things that only happen to me.  Some are funny, some make me wonder how I’m still alive, and some make me wish I wasn’t.

Buckle up.  It’s going to be a bumpy ride.